
JavaScript Best Practices

Use strict equality operator (===) instead of abstract equality operator (==): The strict equality operator tests for both type and value equality, while the abstract equality operator may perform type coercion.
  • Keep code readable and maintainable: Use clear, descriptive variable names and structure code using indentation, white spaces, and consistent formatting.
  • Use modular design patterns: Break code into reusable and modular components to make it easier to test, debug, and maintain.
  • Declare variables with ‘let’ and ‘const’: Use ‘const’ for variables that shouldn’t be re-assigned and ‘let’ for those that need to change.
  • Use arrow functions for anonymous functions: Arrow functions are more concise and preserve the value of ‘this’ from the surrounding scope.
  • Handle errors and exceptions: Use try-catch blocks to handle errors and exceptions in your code.
  • Avoid global variables: Global variables can lead to naming conflicts and are generally considered bad practices.
  • Use strict equality operator (===) instead of abstract equality operator (==): The strict equality operator tests for both type and value equality, while the abstract equality operator may perform type coercion.
  • Use a linter: A linter helps enforce coding standards and catch potential bugs before they become a problem.
  • Write tests for your code: Automated tests help ensure code quality and catch regressions.
  • Keep up with the latest developments: The JavaScript language and its associated technologies are constantly evolving. Stay up to date with the latest developments to make the most of the language.
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